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Fujifilm Prescale Super High Pressure (HHS) - Surface Pressure Mapping; Pressure Indicating Film; Tactile Sensor - Pressure Range 18,500-43,200 PSI; 1 ft. x 10.6 in. Section
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Fujifilm Prescale Super High Pressure (HHS) - Surface Pressure Mapping; Pressure Indicating Film; Tactile Sensor - Pressure Range 18,500-43,200 PSI; 1 ft. x 10.6 in. Section

Product ID: 44241422
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Prescale is a unique pressure indicating sensor film that illuminates what is occurring between any two mating, contacting, or impacting surfaces.Simply place the paper-thin pressure indicating film between your two surfaces, whether in your product, process, or R&D environment and the film instantaneously and permanently changes color to capture a “snapshot” in time of the maximum compressive load that has occurred between the two surfaces and the magnitude of that pressure (in PSI or Kg/cm^2).The pressure film immediately develops to a shade of magenta whose intensity is tightly correlated to a precise level of pressure (in PSI or Kg/cm^2).Conceptually similar to Litmus paper, the color intensity (ie pressure magnitude) that the film captured when under compressive load can readily be translated into a precise pressure level (in PSI or kg/cm^2) by visually comparing the pressure film to a color correlation chart that is included with the purchase).Additionally finer interpretation may be resolved by using an optical scanner product that digitally analyzes the pressure indicating film.Common applications include heat seal planarity, roller set parallelism (nip impressions), object impact, lamination press, heat sink pressure, bolted interface pressure and clamping forces.Prescale permanently retains the color image it captures after being subjected to pressure which is valuable for archiving purposes, especially for ISO and FDA audits. There are 8 distinct film types offered. Ranging from about 2 PSI (0.14 kg/cm^2) up to 43,200 PSI (3,000 kg/cm^2).

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