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Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym Baby Playmat with Electronic Learning Toy, Pink
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Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym Baby Playmat with Electronic Learning Toy, Pink

Product ID: 457539606
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Kick play time up a notch with the Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym, which has five light-up piano keys, a repositionable toy arch, and four musical settings that keep your little one rocking out for years! As your baby grows from lay and play to tummy time to sitting up at the piano, you can change up the music and learning, too! Smart Stages technology lets you change the learning content to best fit your baby's age and stage, while real piano notes encourage your little Mozart to create a tune of their own! You can even detach the keyboard for musical fun on the go! Where development comes into play Sensory: Lots of bright colors, a variety of textures, and all those exciting songs, sounds and phrases stimulate and engage your baby's developing senses. Gross Motor: With all that kicking, reaching, and pushing up, those little muscles are getting ready for big things! Curiosity & Wonder: Rewarding activities like pushing on the piano keys and hearing fun tunes will keep your baby coming back to this gym again and again. Early Academics: As your little active learner kicks and plays away, they'll hear phrases and songs that reinforce what they see, introducing them to colors, shapes, numbers and animals. 4 ways to play as your baby grows 3 Smart Stages learning levels and a bonus piano play setting with real music notes! Large keyboard with 5 light-up keys, removes for take-along play! 5 repositionable toys: self-discovery mirror, teetheable elephant, crinkle panda, rattle lion & monkey cymbal clackers Soft, machine-washable, pink play mat features loops to attach toys

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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