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DNA Motoring RA+FS-CHARGER70-3 Tri Core 3-Row Aluminum Radiator w/Fan Shroud Compatible with 70-71 Challenger / 70-72 Charger / 72-73 Roadrunner 5.2L V8
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DNA Motoring RA+FS-CHARGER70-3 Tri Core 3-Row Aluminum Radiator w/Fan Shroud Compatible with 70-71 Challenger / 70-72 Charger / 72-73 Roadrunner 5.2L V8

Product ID: 471825945
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This Aluminum Radiator is designed to provide maximum cooling efficiency to prevent premature engine failure. Its light-weight, and high-heat transferring aluminum features a tube and fin design that, dramatically increases surface area that enables the heat to dissipate more efficiently. This Aluminum Radiator is at least 40% more efficient than stock ones. Most importantly, it has a much higher capacity for coolant than stock ones, which means that your cooling system will be more efficient and will be more resistant to temperature surges in racing applications.In maintaining the impressive and efficient function of a vehicle, it is essential to ensure that it is heat free in any driving application. This is where a vehicle cooling system comes in focus. Among the less frequently seen part of the cooling system is the fan shroud. Crafted from heavy duty Aluminum materials, the part efficiently addresses harsh working environment. It facilitates the function of the radiator fan as it contributes in the maintenance of the ideal range of operating temperature in the engine.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

1 month ago

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