JUAREZ JAP60 Guitar Plectrums Pick Set of Various Thickness, 6 Pieces (Celluloid + ABS), Colours Random
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JUAREZ JAP60 Guitar Plectrums Pick Set of Various Thickness, 6 Pieces (Celluloid + ABS), Colours Random

Product ID: 244938897
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Juarez Guitar Pick Set - Let your Guitar Outburst your Soul!Playing the guitar with a pick produces a bright sound compared to strumming with the fingertip. Unique collection of multi-Size guitar picks to enhance your musical experience. Play a soothing acoustic solo and keep everyone mesmerized.Varied ThicknessGuitar picks can bring a huge difference to the tones. This pack of picks comes with a varied thickness which can have you covered for all your gigs and practice sessions.The .46mm, .71mm, .81mm, .96mm, 1.20mm and 1.50mm picks form the set.Smooth EdgesThe picks feature a triangle shape with smooth edges.These are to be held between your thumb and index finger and played with the sharp end of the triangle strumming the strings.Anti-Slip TextureOne of the most important features of a guitar pick is its texture and grip.These ergonomically designed picks provide the musician with a firm grip and prevent slipping from the hand during a show.

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